时间:2021-04-02 来源:圣卡洛斯大学 作者:梦飞


President's Welcome Message to USC Students


Dear Carolinian Students,
Blessings of peace and good health!


I pray that this message finds you and your family safe and well during these tough times. I am writing to welcome you back to the University of San Carlos, hoping that the extended holiday break has rejuvenated you as you resume your studies this Academic Yfear, To those who have just joined the University this semester, welcome to the rigors and challenges of online learning!


The pandemic's impact on the educational landscape is undeniable. It has caused great inconveniences and exposed us to health risks and mental hazards. The virus has been an enormous obstacle bearing down on us, making us kowtow to its threat and shake in recognition of our vulnerability. There is no undermining the disruption, the unprecedented uncertainties, and the difficulties which you students and your family are facing right now. Attending virtual classes during the pandemic is not a typical way of learning. Working on school projects through online modalities is also not the method of choice for most of you. In fact, you could say that it is not what you signed up for when you thought of studying in USC. Nothing beats face-to face schooling, certainly. Ybu must be desperately longing for the "normal', academic life.


Despite the numerous downsides, however; slivers of silver lining can be found. As with any crisis-situation in life, there is a need to view the current storm through the lens of faith and hope. COVID-19 has already altered our plans and has claimed lives. But we cannot allow it to kill our dreams and rob us of courage. We need to fight back and resist the urge to give up. But we can only do this by sticking to each other, staying close to the people dear to us, and trusting in God.


The pandemic has given you experiences which most likely you cannot forget. Cherish these memories and use them as stepping stones and reference points in every decision you make, big or small. Appreciate the importance of each breathing moment and celebrate small victories. You are struggling, yes, but you are also alive. Learn to be grateful even in darkest times. COVID-19 is unnatural and unwanted, but you are more than wanted. You are needed and valued. Please know that we have people in USC who can be there for you should you need someone to talk with. Our team of counsellors and academic staff are more than willing to help you.


As I welcome you (back) to USC, 1 also welcome the aspirations and the future that you represent. I look forward to greeting you on the campus once this crisis is over. For now, I offer my heartfelt prayers for your safety, health, and success. Polihug amping kanunay.
With you in keeping the Word alive,

在欢迎你们(回来)圣卡洛斯大学的同时,我也欢迎你们所代表的愿望和未来。我期待着这次危机结束后,在校园里迎接你们的到来。现在,我衷心为你们的安全、健康和成功祈祷。Polihug amping kanunay。

Fr. Narciso A. Cel Ian, SVD
USC President


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